Saturday, March 14, 2020


Suspending my FTFNYT boycott for five minutes, only to say that I literally cringe to think about the many awful things that could happen to these plague profiteers, and it would only amuse me. If his house burned down tomorrow with his "investment" and all his worldly possessions in it, and it turned out he had no fire insurance or family to fall back on, I'd actually laugh out loud. I don't know what the hell happens to people that they turn out like that, where every crisis is an opportunity to screw over your neighbors.

I didn't used to be this way, wishing real misery on idiots, but then we didn't used to be this way, at least not so easily and publicly. The panic-buying of toilet paper is beyond stupid, but there has been a concomitant rash of stories like this across the country, these little weasels hitting all the Costcos and Dollar Trees in their area, buying up all the cleaning supplies, and sticking them in the garage, in order to jack up the price several hundred percent for their neighbors.

However, to be (a bit) fair to Matt Colvin and his ilk, how is what they are doing any different that what the various collusive legs of the health care stool do? Every facet of that filthy industry -- HMOs, insurance companies, pharmaceutical corporations -- all engage in the very same type of "disaster arbitrage" Colvin is trying to pull. You think those COVID-19 tests are going to be free? You think treatment is going to be fully covered, even if you have insurance? Really?

Don't get me wrong, these jerkoffs are messing with the well-being of their communities, trying to turn a quick buck off of other people's panic and pain. They've earned your scorn, and it would serve them right if all they get out of it is a lifetime supply of Clorox wipes and Charmin. Just keep in mind that they're pikers and amateurs compared to the companies that profit mightily every single day from extorting money out of a captive market, all so their CEOs can rake in twenty million a year or so. As bad as Matt Colvin is, the people who gouge $500/month for insulin or $600 for a pair of Epipens that cost one-tenth of that to produce are a thousand times worse.

Or the people in the federal government whose job it is to protect the population from a pandemic, absolving themselves from responsibility and fawning over Dear Leader's stellar planning and astute stewardship, this heedless clown who literally claimed the disease was just a hoax right up to two weeks ago.

You think I'm indifferent to the fate of these Amazon arbitrage weasels, don't get me started on the health care execs and Trump's bootlickers. If every single one of them suffered and dropped dead from the bug it would seem like a fair exchange. Their conduct has been at best a complete dereliction of duty, their silence nothing more than complicity with a scheming, chiseling lunatic who would nuke Omaha tomorrow if he thought there was a few bucks or a few poll approval points in it for him.

Maybe it's time we all take stock of ourselves, and each other, and decide what kind of society we really want to be. Because if this is what we've fallen to, these chumps who are so out of options that they think that hustling a garage or pickup bed full of household goods at inflated prices is going to change their lives for the better, we're in deeper trouble than we think.

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