Saturday, March 14, 2020

Your Periodic Reminder That Newt Gingrich Is a Piece of Shit, and Should Have Been Flushed Decades Ago

If you have ever looked around at the parlous condition of the United States in the last, say, twenty-five years or so, you can always remember that Newt Gingrich was the prime architect of all of it -- the lying, the hypocrisy, the open corruption, the literally Orwellian manipulation of language for purely political ends, the obstructionism, the borrowing of North Korean lickspittle tropes used to convey approval for Dear Leader's every stanky burger fart and dusty old-man ejaculation. You want to know why your government has been rendered impotent and ineffective in the face of rapidly spreading problems and events, Gingrich is one of the main proponents of that movement.

Gingrich pioneered the industrialization of all of that and more. He's done more to deliberately and methodically destroy this country than any single person outside the Billy Graham-Jerry Falwell multigenerational axis of evilangelism. A decent society would have shunned the likes of him -- and them -- long ago.

The man is pure scum and Italy can have him for as long as they can put up with him. He's a cheap snake-oil huckster of the absolute lowest order, and deserves far worse than he'll ever get. He should die penniless in a back alley and be discarded into a vat of eels for food. It's no wonder Gingrich idolizes Trump; neither man has ever been tethered to anything resembling a moral compass. Shame on any media outlet that gives Gingrich any sort of venue to peddle his wares. The more respectable thing for Newsweek to do would be to give O.J. Simpson or Harvey Weinstein a regular column.

I think what I'm saying here is fuck Newt Gingrich with an ebola-laden baseball bat.

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