Tuesday, April 14, 2020

At the Movies, Dotard Edition

Ahahahahaha. TFW when you identify with Captain Bligh.

It's weird that someone doesn't quite seem to get how "one of [their] all time favorite movies" worked out for all the characters involved. But never is he more on-brand than he displays a spiritual bond with other exemplars of cruel stupidity. Can't wait to hear his thoughts on how misunderstood Jame Gumb was.

Seriously, when someone literally takes pride in being a straight-up irredeemable piece of shit, with this toxic level of consistency, you should pay attention. Nothing is beneath him. He is capable of anything. The level of indifference and dereliction is disgusting to see, and exhausting to keep up with.

We need a government that is responsive to this sort of thing festering in the halls of power. If the Democrats are not going to step up and at least read their protest into the official record, then we need new and better Democrats. This is unacceptable. His assertion of absolute power is itself an impeachable act, one that would had Obama or Hillary strung up within hours. People should start taking these warnings seriously, because there's not likely to be many more of them.

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