Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Maybe a Diagram Would Help

We really do need a new and better media ecosystem. The current one enabled the turd to get into office, and now gives him a daily soapbox to spout deadly lies and proclaim himself king over and over again.

I don't feel sorry in the least for Paula Reid or Yamiche Alcindor or whoever's turn it is in the barrel this week. No one held a gun to their heads and forced them to do this. Nothing useful or newsworthy is being disseminated by these things. Oh, you're telling me that the federal government of a hollowed-out empire is headed by a pudding-brained megalomaniac? I did not know that. [hacky Johnny Carson voice] That is weird, wild stuff. Ed, did you know that? [Ed:  I did not know that, sir! Ha-ha-hah!]

This is fucking stupid and pointless, and every one of these so-called journamalists should be ashamed of themselves. Hell, I'm embarrassed for them.

There are two really simple, fundamental rules to being a good journalist:
  1. Tell the reader something they didn't already know.
  2. Make sure that what you're telling them is based in empirical fact.
Corollary to Rule #2:
In the event that you are required to perform some sort of stenographic duty to the lies of power, at some point you need to plainly note that the statements you're transcribing are not only untrue, but that there is every reason to believe that the person saying those things knows it -- in short, that it's a goddamned lie.

If you can't do those things, you need to find another line of work. See, after three interminable years, we already know he's a bum and a psychopath and a brazen liar. This is not news. Seriously, what kind of sad loser is sitting there watching that crap, anyway? Whatever "side" you find yourself on, if you ever find yourself doing that, you've failed dismally at the business of life. Even if you have a vested, financial, or professional interest in the proceedings or the outcome.

Maybe instead of sitting there like chumps, waiting to literally transcribe lies and temper tantrums, they could go out into this vast land of ours, and talk to the doctors and nurses and all the beleaguered medical staff who are wearing diapers on their heads and garbage bags on their bodies, because the useless dipshit who is banging Trump's blow-up doll of a daughter is selling scarce PPE to the highest bidder.

I don't know, do you think that might be a more interesting angle to a deadly plague that still has yet to peak, rather than trying to rope ol' Genius Q. Dealmaker there with a lame "gotcha" question? You see, those questions only work on people who care at least a little bit about getting caught in a lie.

It's time these dopey scriveners acted like they understand that basic fact. They have no one to blame but themselves and each other at this point. You're either part of the problem, or part of the solution. You can either keep playing Emperor Cartman's stupid little game, or you can start acting like you give a shit about something greater than your paychecks.

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