Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dr. Feelgood

I don't get the big public hard-on for Dr. Fauci. Yes, he's clearly a qualified physician, and yes, he's clearly the most honest broker on the stage for the daily plague follies.

But that's the extent of it, and it's an embarrassingly low bar. On the one hand, it might be an interesting move for Diamond Joe to poach the good doctor and make him the flash pick for his shadow epidemic team. On the other hand, I don't know about you, but I'm not interested in taking any sort of life advice -- medical, financial, anything -- from anyone willing to serve as a spokesdog for these fucking monsters.

Fauci probably tells himself that he's simply doing what good doctors do, prioritizing human life above all other considerations. But even that's true only in the most technical sense. This has already cost far more lives than it should have, due to incompetence and refusal to prepare -- indeed, a deliberate process of dismantling the epidemiological infrastructure in place to get out in front of these things.

I've said repeatedly that what you've observed over the past couple months is exactly what will happen when even the most virulent plague, something out of a dystopian horror movie, comes down. It could be the fucking 28 Days Later instant kill-rage virus, and you'd still have Orange Furious diverting necessary supplies to toady politicians and henchmen fencing them out the back door. You'd still have that ghoulish slapdick son-in-law of his hitching up his onesie and pretending he could lead a fat kid to a candy store.

These people are pure scum, and they've never made any real attempt to hide it. That has never remotely been an exaggeration. They're vile fucking people, the absolute worst humanity has to offer, and that's always been true of them. This has nothing at all to do with politics. It would be true if that ridiculous piece of shit had never thrown his toupee into the ring. It's just a sad fact, made all that much sadder that there are so many weak little suckers and saps that cling to him so pathetically.

I mean, it's bad enough that they're in a cult, but if they'd at least have bothered to center it around a more worthwhile object of worship, like a river rock or a farm animal, instead of this ludicrous old man who wears diapers and snorts Adderall.

But here's the thing -- they do this with every disaster. Every single one. They did it to Puerto Rico. They did it to California after we had a massive wave of deadly wildfires in 2018. There has been no disincentive for them to not behave this way. They will continue to do it until someone stops them.

If only there was -- and just hear me out, I'm just spitballin' here -- but an organized group of duly elected leaders who make a point of opposing these episodes of dismal behavior. You could, perhaps, refer to them as an opposition party.

I seem to recall that such a team was put into place in the 2018 midterm elections. It was understood by all that this was the express will of the majority of citizens, to stand up in opposition to the corruption and mendacity of this human centipede of an administration.

And so after months of hectoring and badgering, the opposers finally cherry-picked the most narrowly-scoped articles of impeachment they could draw up, rode them well in the House hearings, and then stalled in a sham trial that was shut down by people who can charitably be described as traitors. And then they shrugged their shoulders and told us to vote again in the next election.

And so here we are.

Hurricanes, wildfires, pandemics. All of these have one critical factor in common -- climate change. Yes, there have always been these things, but the frequency and severity are increasing steadily, while our modes of preparation and mitigation have been sabotaged.

Fauci has chosen to be part of this team, again most likely lying to himself that he's keeping the problem from getting worse. But is he really? Trump has been undermining him steadily, while his monkeys in the conservatoad "press" do their jobs and defame him, and so now the drooling basetards -- when they're not sending death threats to Dr. Fauci -- are calling for him to be fired, because the science disagrees with the object of their slavish devotion.

So in the end, Fauci is going to be kicked to the curb and scapegoated, more people have already died than should have, and will continue to do so, which means Fauci will have lent his expertise and integrity and dignity for nothing.

Let me put it more concisely -- nobody who works for these fucking animals should be trusted about anything, ever. I stopped listening to Fauci and Birx and the rest of these gutless sellouts weeks ago, and you should too. They sold out. They are not on your side. Whatever personal integrity they might have had at one time evaporated like the financial backing for another one of Shithead's dopey money-laundering "branding" frauds.

Fauci will be remembered as the Trump Steaks of the medical profession. Period. If he had any real integrity, he'd have crawled out of this dumpster fire a month ago.

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