Thursday, June 11, 2020

Statue of Limitations

Here's an idea for all the confederate crybabies who are seething as their racist totems get toppled, one by one by miserable one:  what if -- and I'm just spitballing here, mind you -- but what if we just erected monuments to people who did great things, who accomplished deeds that inspired people, made the world or even just their community a better place? How about that?

And what if we stuck to naming our military bases after people who actually fought for this country, rather than against it? What might that be like? I've been wondering this since I was in like sixth grade -- why on earth would you name your military bases after a bunch of losers and traitors? Seriously, is there another country on the planet that does this, trains and quarters their soldiers in places literally named after people who fought against them? What the hell is that?

It's not like Braxton Bragg was Hannibal fighting Rome or anything. He did fine as an officer during the "manifest destiny" wars, stealing land from natives and from Mexico, then became a slave-owner and turned on his country, and was disastrous as a confederate field commander. And so on. None of these people are worth remembering, much less commemorating or enshrining.

This is all happening very quickly, but it's generations overdue, and it's wonderful to see. The confederate flag is the American swastika and always has been, no matter what its fans try to tell themselves. It's time the lost cause was truly disposed of.

Do your duty, America -- flush twice.

[Update 6/11/20 9:10 PM PDT:  Apparently this handy cheat sheet was given to the press as part of a briefing yesterday. I wish I was making that up. I'm honestly surprised there aren't any misspellings or stray apostrophes. Regardless, Trump is a dangerous moron and should be treated as such. The rules for using upper-case letters are really not that difficult to master.]


  1. I don't know man, us aunty fay libs may have pushed it too far; now Ray Coochi-something has said he's not going to race in NASCAR anymore! What do we do now, huh?

  2. Right? Where and how will they ever find another hillbilly to drive a billboard in a circle all afternoon?

  3. Thank you for such an interesting opinion. I didn't know much about Braxton Bragg ... Even Wikipedia claims that he is generally considered among the worst generals of the Civil War...
