Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Way That You Are

I don't know if the question that launched this Twitter thread is apocryphal or just insufferably clueless, but it's a great rundown of practical, objective, empirical examples of why we assume certain things about them. Turns out that you are who you say you are, and when you take the emperor's side and support monsters, people eventually start thinking of you as monstrous.

This country does still have many fine qualities, and one of the most important is that you still get to think and believe whatever you want to think and believe. You might get some guff for it along the way, but that's life.

The basic fact is that no one forces anyone to support awful people or believe terrible things. Nobody puts a gun to anyone's head and forces them to become a neo-nazi or a confederate or a girl-hating incel douchebag. People are free to read pretty much anything and everything they want, to swim and surf and sail along the endless oceans of information at our fingertips, to sift and compile and compare and analyze.

You are free to observe people and events and the connections of cause and effect, and draw your own conclusions. But it should always be done with the awareness that your conclusions and your choices say as much about you and your principles and your priorities, as it does about those actual choices.

If you claim to have certain principles and values and standards, and then loudly crow your support for someone who is, at every possible point, the antithesis of those principles, then we see you just as clearly as we see the turd you support. There is nothing ironclad about your principles, hoss, more like I can't believe it's not butter. So when your bitchy, mincing drama queen is eventually flushed, and there you are with your fuckin' principles -- well, you already told us what you really are. Don't worry about forgiveness, worry more about anyone ever taking you seriously again.

That's really how it is, how he is. If you make a spectacle of yourself pretending that a whiny, pathetic, ridiculous old man is some weird combination of Cyrus the Great and Hulk Hogan, well, don't be too surprised when other people flip a coin to determine whether you're a toxic asshole, or just a hopelessly credulous dupe. Your peckerwood logic won't save you here.

People see those decisions, and make their own decisions about who and what you are. You have the right to believe that, say, Jeffrey Dahmer was just a misunderstood guy who liked to cook, but you can't feign surprise that other people might recoil from you in disgust and horror after such an assertion.

You might be part of a racist infrastructure in a state that should have had its elections overseen by the United Nations for at least the past thirty years, and you might be happy with forcing libruls and minorities to stand in line all day to exercise their right to vote. You might think it's big fun pulling that Bull Connor shit on people, over and over again. You still have the right to be a racist asshole in this country, praise Jebus. You still get to jerk off to your traitor-slaver rag, and pretend it means something different from what we all know it means. You get to play your little games.

But that doesn't exempt your festering butthole of a state from consequences. The people who might have a series or movie in the pipeline might decide to pull production, because they know that people like me, who watch a lot of NFL and college football and series that are produced in said state, are locking into not watching any content coming out of a state that screws its citizens out of their right to vote. I've been boycotting all things Georgia since Stacey Abrams got cheated in 2018, and it's good to see others finally getting onboard with that.

Protesting police brutality is important, but one of the many evil stones in that foundation is the systematic disenfranchisement of certain voters. That's where it all starts; that's how the bastards stay in to keep their thumb on the masses, and on the scales of justice. I'm honestly surprised the citizens of Georgia haven't been protesting this bullshit already. It's not like the Goopers in that state have bothered trying to hide it. They do it right out in the open, over and over again.

Their hope is to demoralize people, to discourage them from exercising the right that so many brave men and women have fought for. Don't let them. Wait in line, crawl over broken glass, protest in the streets, and keep in mind that it is worth it to do so for two simple reasons:
  1. If they had a chance to win fair, they wouldn't keep having to cheat.
  2. If it didn't really matter, they wouldn't bother to keep cheating.
Make sure you're registered to vote, and then do it. And boycott and shun the cheaters, because that's really where it hurts them. Don't argue with them, don't engage them, don't waste your breath trying to rebut their lies and poison. It's all a tactic to frustrate people and wear them down. Deprive them and their sponsors of oxygen and money.

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