
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Public Service Announcement; Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Debt Bomb

We all know this fact intuitively, but it still bears repeating and reminding ad nauseam -- all debt, whether it's your own personal household debt, or the debt incurred by your municipality, county, state, whatever, is someone else's equity. Just keep that in mind at all times when observing how the Masters of the Universe continue to find creative ways to rejigger the usury on their 30:1 leveraged derivatives on assets that frequently don't exist in the first place.

When they talk about "solvency," what they really mean is making goddamned sure that you and your kids and your grandkids and so on remain on the hook to paying them in perpetuity to the value they removed from your economy to hoard offshore. This is an important point, since the banksters' plaint is that they are worth the pelf they accrue, because of the value they add. But the only value added goes to directly to them, and comes out of everyone else's hide.

This is not politics, especially since they rent both parties. It's just math. It's simple -- if you have debt, the entity whose equity your debt affects has a vested interest in keeping your dumb ass on their balance sheet as long as possible. This is what I mean when I talk about "debt peonage" and "wage slavery," which are mutually reinforcing phrases.

If you make just enough money to get by, but never ahead -- as the majority of Americans do -- then you are on the hook forever, unless you're smart and lucky, and design the next hot app or whatever. Hard work alone will not do it anymore; there are plenty of folks out there busting ass at two or three pud jobs, who will never get off the hamster wheel.

Most of us can agree with the rather obvious metaphor of money being the lifeblood of an economy, right. Well, what does blood do? It flows. What happens when it gets stopped up in one location, or just stops flowing altogether? It does not take an economics textbook to understand why it's better for an economy if, say, a hundred million households spend a trillion dollars and put it into the economy, than if a few hundred households at the top, who already have more stuff than they could ever use, take that same money and stick it in the Caymans, or invest in a Chinese factory.

Yeah, they're job creators alright -- just not here. You got suckered, America, you produced more and better and more efficiently, so your betters could reap all -- not some, but all of the rewards. Sharing those rewards would have let too many of you off that hook of debt and usury and perpetual interest payments, which might risk absolving you of your voting servitude to either wing of the Inner Party.

People vote, more than anything else, in the blind hope that someone might fix a problem they have. Almost all of their problems revolve around money, or more precisely the lack of it. The system of upward wealth transfer and racketeering relies on keeping people indentured for their entire work lives, on making sure they die owing money to some faceless bloodsucker on the other end of the country that doesn't even need the money they tacked a 20% vig onto.

That's what America has turned into over the last generation or so, and it shows no signs of abating. I mean, what's anyone gonna do about it, besides get to writing that magic app or fanfic crossover, and praying to the Elder Gods for incredible luck?


Unknown said...

I love your use of multiple metaphors as theme, here, and I've never seen subtle Orwell and 007 references blended, not to mention to such an effect. Throw in some solid Leftist sensibilities and you are one truly badass intellectual, sir!

Heywood J. said...

Wow, thanks, high praise indeed!

Unknown said...

Dude, you keep weaponizing the American Language the way you do, and I'm a fanboy for life!