
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Mayor Of Simpleton

We discussed a lot of issues. The prime minister's laid out a comprehensive plan. That's what leaders do: They see problems, they address problems and they lay out a plan to solve the problems.

The prime minister understands he's got challenges. And he's identified priorities.

Our priority is to help this government succeed. It's in the national interests of the United States that a unity government, based upon a constitution that is advanced and modern, succeed.

And that's what I told the prime minister. You know, he comes wondering whether or not we're committed. He hears all kinds of stories here in the United States.

And I assured him that this government stands with the Iraqi people.

We're impressed by your courage, Mr. Prime Minister, and we're impressed by the courage of the Iraqi people. And we want to help you.

We talked about security in Baghdad. There's no question the terrorists and extremists are brutal.

-- George W. Bush, 7/25/2006, press conference with Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki

Do you agree with Ben, Mr.
Gardiner? Are we finished? Or do
you think we can stimulate growth
through temporary incentives?

As long as the roots are not
severed, all is well and all will
be well in the garden.

(a pause)
... In the garden?

That is correct. In a garden,
growth has its season. There is
spring and summer, but there is
also fall and winter. And then
spring and summer again...

(staring at Chance)
... Spring and summer...
Yes, I see... Fall and winter.
(smiles at Chance)
Yes, indeed...
(a beat)
Could you go through that one more
time, please, Mr. Gardiner?

I think what my most insightful
friend is saying, Mr. President, is
that we welcome the inevitable
seasons of nature, yet we are upset
by the seasons of our economy.

Yes. That is correct.

-- Being There, (1979)

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