Looks like former Fredo's Folly architect and current head of the World Bank (and noted comb-licker)
Paul Wolfowitz is taking sock tips from some guy who lives in a cardboard box. I'm afraid to speculate on the hole-to-skidmark ratio in his bikini briefs (shudder).

Thanks to Marius in comments for the tip and the link.
Long before we invaded Iraq, Undersecretary of Defense Wolfowitz went before Congress and testified that we would be in the Iraqi for less than two years. What we didn’t realize at the time, he was talking only about himself.
Seems Wolfowitz's plan to visit the mosque in Turkey was no better than the Neocon’s plan for Iraq and give testament to his planning abilities.
Yeah, full of holes, and with odd protuberances.
Was Wolfowitz the one who had the money quote about Iraqis putting up statues and singing songs in praise of us, or was that Perle? Sometimes it's hard to keep sanctimonious douchebags straight; they all smell pretty much teh same.
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