Because when you can't even keep a bicycle upright, you should definitely consider riding a 900-pound Softail.
Jesus. This one's a trifecta -- not only does he manage to make Bono glasses and Harleys incredibly uncool, but he also launches one of his trademark wobbly rhetorical Katyushas:
President Bush said critics of his Iraq policies are advocating a "cut and run" strategy that would draw terrorists to American soil.
"Leaving before we complete our mission would create a terrorist state in the heart of the Middle East, a country with huge oil reserves that the terrorist network would be willing to use to extract economic pain from those of us who believe in freedom," Bush said Wednesday.
It's easy to do when you refuse to define "completion", your policies and people are totally inconsistent as to whether stability or instability is the desired outcome for the region, you have no understanding of the culture or history of the players there, you're willing to waste a trillion dollars and ten thousand American lives if that's what it takes to do this thing that you refuse to define, and you periodically take the time to stamp your wittle feets and declaim those ungrateful Iraqis for all we've done to them. For them. Whatever.
Just think. Some people actually meant to vote for this guy. Twice. Let's work together with them!
Jesus. And they made fun of Dukakis.
Anyway, to answer your question from Tbogg - I thought I'd take it outside - I teach at a middle school and one aspect of my job as a department head is to observe other classes and write up reports. You can see how this would be the most fun thing ever, especially in a school that has cutbacks every year.
Jeez, yeah, if they're using your reports as criteria to figure out where to make cuts, that would just compound the fun, wouldn't it?
It would be pretty excellent (and ironic, obviously) if a unified Democratic publicity campaign could make something like this Bush's Dukakis moment, an ineffective dork with the world under his idiot thumb. But hell, they can't even keep Lieberman on the reservation.
The observations are ostensibly for training and mutual support. Try telling that to my utterly paranoid colleague who will probably snap if they cut our funding one more time. They just cut shop completely, ferchrissake.
Bush has had many "Dukakis" moments but the Democrats have failed to capitalize on them and the damned liberal media keep missing them. Honestly, the fucking flight suit with the codpiece - how did that not ruin him? Can you imagine a British politician trying that shit?
Honestly, the fucking flight suit with the codpiece - how did that not ruin him? Can you imagine a British politician trying that shit?
Other than Margaret Thatcher, no. But then, the British actually have something resembling a media presence, rather than a collection of sniveling corporate acolytes like we have in the US.
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