
Friday, July 15, 2005

Instant Karma

Many have said over the years that Lee Atwater's ultimate fate was karmic, because of his utter willingness -- no, his seeming glee -- to use cheap smear tactics and lies, to do and say literally anything to win a political campaign.

Well, if that's true, then Karl Rove must be a golf ball on Fate's tee, just waiting to get zoomed by the 3-wood of life. Even Atwater never went so far as to betray his country for something so ephemeral as political payback.

Rove may find a way to parse his misdeed finely enough to weasel his way out if legal trouble, but if there is any sense of justice in this universe, Rove and Ken Lay (among others) should prepare for a monumental lingering (and eventually fatal) case of anal herpes.

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